Our certified, and experienced Trauma care experts treat patients that have critical injuries threatening life or limbs or snake bites. Severely injured patients often require multi-disciplinary, emergency medical services. During emergencies, there are certain criteria to follow and triage guidelines that identify the more seriously injured patients. The Trauma teams’ critical goals are: ” immediate survival “and “bringing out of danger”.
Our 24 hours trauma care unit, supported by highly sophisticated equipment, experienced & highly qualified doctors, round-the-clock Anesthetists, and trained medical staff is ready to deal with all types of emergency cases providing necessary primary and secondary level care and prompt referral if tertiary care is anticipated.
We have 24 hours round a clock Trauma care unit, Intensive care unit, Medical Intensive care unit, supported by doctors & nursing staff ready to meet all the emergencies. At this juncture, we would like to point out that MEDILIFE Hospitals is also authorized to accept all Medico-legal cases.
- Treatment of all types of poison snake bites and insect bites.
- Dedicated Nursing care
- Advance ventilator Services
- Dialysis (bedside) Services
- Bedside X-ray,2D Echo, USG Abdomen facilities.
Now, the technology that we use to communicate seamlessly helps any patient and family members to communicate with us during traumatic conditions. The critical information that is essential to treat a patient during emergencies such as the severity of the injury, health condition, health insurance details, previous health history, etc. can be shared through WhatsApp while on the way to our hospital. This helps our team to do preliminary work by the time the critical patient reaches our hospital. If you are utilizing our Ambulance services then our Ambulance staff is exclusively trained to tackle these situations. Otherwise, we help you to communicate with us through our 24X7 WhatsApp chat. While bringing the patient during emergencies, always follow the advice that you get from the trained experts. Certain preventive measures during accidents, snake bites play a vital role in patients’ survival.